I cannot save my custom voicemail greeting
On both my and my husband's iPhones, we can record and play our custom voicemail greetings but we cannot save them. The "Save" button is grayed out.
iPhone 11, iOS 14
On both my and my husband's iPhones, we can record and play our custom voicemail greetings but we cannot save them. The "Save" button is grayed out.
iPhone 11, iOS 14
I have the same issue, did the thing below and checked and it was set in my personal carrier voicemail options. Did you ever find a fix to this?
I have the same issue, did the thing below and checked and it was set in my personal carrier voicemail options. Did you ever find a fix to this?
Voicemail Carrier:
You need to call your Voicemailbox number (xxxx and listen to the main menu/options.
An example how it works with my carrier:
Call xxxx and press 11 for the main menu. Choose 2 for the personal settings of your voicemail. Choose 3 for PIN code and choose a 4 digit code. You can also change your pin code here and indicate when your voicemail should ask for the pin code.
Or Visual Voicemail, see this Apple article: Check your voicemail on iPhone
Check your voicemail on iPhone – Apple Support (AU)
The voicemail settings are controlled by the carrier, check if your carrier support Visual Voicemail.
Apparently the problem has to be fixed by my carrier which in my case is AT&T. I called them and they said I had to delete all my voicemails and then call them back and then they will fix it on their end. I have deleted my voicemails but I haven't had the time to call them back to complete the fix. Hope that helps.
I cannot save my custom voicemail greeting