My private relay suddenly just cut off
After private relay stopped working by itself I turned it totally off to reset as well as turned off phone and it still won’t reset.
iPhone XS
After private relay stopped working by itself I turned it totally off to reset as well as turned off phone and it still won’t reset.
iPhone XS
My private relay always worked for all networks and websites now it suddenly won’t let me turn it on for Wi-Fi or cellular.
My private relay always worked for all networks and websites now it suddenly won’t let me turn it on for Wi-Fi or cellular.
If a website or network doesn’t work with Private Relay
Private Relay is designed to protect your internet privacy and maintain a high-performance browsing experience. Some websites, networks, or services may need to make updates for Private Relay, including networks that require the ability to audit traffic or perform network-based filtering—such as business or education networks—or services that rely on viewing your browsing activity, like parental controls or some “zero rated” services that don’t count against your data usage.
In addition, if you travel somewhere Private Relay isn't available, it will automatically turn off and will turn on again when you re-enter a country or region that supports it. Private Relay will notify you when it's unavailable and when it's active again.
If a website, network, or service you're using doesn't appear to be compatible with Private Relay, you can temporarily turn off Private Relay in iCloud settings. You can also turn off Private Relay just for a specific network. If you turn off Private Relay, network providers and websites can monitor your internet activity in Safari.
Private Relay can be turned on or off just for a specific network using the Limit IP Address Tracking preference.*
If Private Relay has been turned off for a specific network, you can try turning it back on in Wi-Fi, Cellular Data Options, or Network settings. If you regularly switch between multiple network configurations, such as dual-SIM or Wi-Fi and Ethernet, make sure that this preference is set for each network independently.
If you turn off Private Relay for a specific network, the setting for that network applies to all your devices for which Private Relay is turned on.
* In earlier versions of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, this preference is called iCloud Private Relay.
Apparently, some Apple services are experiencing an outage at the moment.
My private relay suddenly just cut off