I’m not getting the notifications ask to buy when my child wants to download an app
Family purchase is on and ask to buy is on so why am I not getting notifications when my child wants to download an app?
Family purchase is on and ask to buy is on so why am I not getting notifications when my child wants to download an app?
If you miss an Ask to Buy notification, you can find the request in Notification Center on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac. If you still don't see your Ask to Buy requests, check which Apple ID you're signed in with, check your Family Sharing settings, and make sure that you're on a supported device.
If you miss an Ask to Buy notification, you can find the request in Notification Center on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac. If you still don't see your Ask to Buy requests, check which Apple ID you're signed in with, check your Family Sharing settings, and make sure that you're on a supported device.
We checked all that and it still doesn’t work, I’ve also restarted both devices, tried different apps to see if there was a bug in the app and still didn’t work. Can you help?
I’m not getting the notifications ask to buy when my child wants to download an app