what is the safest backup method
what method is the best to backup my Mac
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.15
what method is the best to backup my Mac
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.15
Do I have a Rescue Plan In-Place. This comprises having 3 Backups using 2 methods and 1 Off Site incase of Theft, Loss or Natural Disasters. A Time Machine Backup is very useful and can be used to Revert to Previous Working macOS.
For additional purposes - two Tested Bootable Clones each to separate external drives. This is insurance . At least one Tested Clone and / or Time Machine Backup should be Off - Site
Do I have a Rescue Plan In-Place. This comprises having 3 Backups using 2 methods and 1 Off Site incase of Theft, Loss or Natural Disasters. A Time Machine Backup is very useful and can be used to Revert to Previous Working macOS.
For additional purposes - two Tested Bootable Clones each to separate external drives. This is insurance . At least one Tested Clone and / or Time Machine Backup should be Off - Site
Different people will express different views on what or how to best do backups. Allow me to offer some useful thoughts.
That's more than you asked for, but it should be helpful.
what is the safest backup method