Access denied. Your account does not have permission to access this application. Fix?
I get this error when attempting to purchase Applecare+ for my new iPhone 13 Pro.
I can sign in to iCloud and my Apple account as it uses "" but cannot purchase Applecare+ since it uses ""
Apple Support couldn't figure it out and only attempt to troubleshoot the device side of things. idsma appears the be an Apple database.
Apple Support had me update the phone from 15.4 to 15.4.1, purchase and backup with iCloud (a whopping 3GB of data) now costing me extra money monthly, and then wipe the phone to start over fresh.
Attempting to add Applecare on the phone itself gives a "Cannot Connect - Retry" error. Attempted on and off wifi.
I have attached screenshots of the errors and just hoping someone else has experienced this or has any ideas I can try.