App Store missing on my iPhone
App Store is missing
iPhone 11, iOS 15
App Store is missing
iPhone 11, iOS 15
Welcome to Apple Support Community.
Chances are, you moved it to the App Library. Go to the App Library (Organize the Home Screen and App Library on your iPhone - Apple Support), find the App Store, then long press on the App and select "Add to Home Screen".
You can also search for the App: Use Search on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support.
Welcome to Apple Support Community.
Chances are, you moved it to the App Library. Go to the App Library (Organize the Home Screen and App Library on your iPhone - Apple Support), find the App Store, then long press on the App and select "Add to Home Screen".
You can also search for the App: Use Search on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support.
App Store missing on my iPhone