Why is it when I delete emails from my inbox they don't show up in the Trash
Why is it when I delete emails from my Inbox they don't show up in the Trash?
iMac, OS X 10.11
Why is it when I delete emails from my Inbox they don't show up in the Trash?
iMac, OS X 10.11
Finder has its Trash, and Apple Mail has its own Trash. In Mail Preferences > Accounts > Mail Behaviors, you can configure individual Mail accounts Trash behavior to empty on quitting Mail, never, or some periodic frequency.
Finder has its Trash, and Apple Mail has its own Trash. In Mail Preferences > Accounts > Mail Behaviors, you can configure individual Mail accounts Trash behavior to empty on quitting Mail, never, or some periodic frequency.
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Why is it when I delete emails from my inbox they don't show up in the Trash