macOS Monterey Icons Download
Hi, I need the icons for Trash, Files, Drive icons, and more. Do you mind giving me some downloads?
Hi, I need the icons for Trash, Files, Drive icons, and more. Do you mind giving me some downloads?
i'm unsure if i could even share the custom icons i use in this forum. i could probably share them one by one by using the "Image insertion" button. but, if i were to do that, there's no guarantee that the icons i chose to use will be the ones that you like. and i don't know if they would even be in the correct pixel dimensions to use them as the macOS icons if they were posted here.
so rather than open that can of worms, i'll just share the link to the page i visit to find all of my custom icons. there are literally hundreds of thousands of icons to choose from, and they all fit really well into macOS. they have icons for every single app i use and then some.
have fun!!
i'm unsure if i could even share the custom icons i use in this forum. i could probably share them one by one by using the "Image insertion" button. but, if i were to do that, there's no guarantee that the icons i chose to use will be the ones that you like. and i don't know if they would even be in the correct pixel dimensions to use them as the macOS icons if they were posted here.
so rather than open that can of worms, i'll just share the link to the page i visit to find all of my custom icons. there are literally hundreds of thousands of icons to choose from, and they all fit really well into macOS. they have icons for every single app i use and then some.
have fun!!
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Q - " macOS Monterey Icons Download "
A - This question is appearing in macOS Catalina version 10.15 but question is about or related to macOS Monterey version 12 ?
liamcharger wrote:
I need the official macOS Monterey icons because I am making my Mac that is running Catalina look more like Monterey.
sorry, i'm unsure where to find the "official" icons. but back when i began my search for custom icons, i ran across this page:
they aren't the exact icons that come with monterey / big sur. but if you use the search field on that page, you will find icons that are very close to the stock icons that come on monterey / big sur. they appear as the "squicles" that modern macOS uses.
i searched "finder" and found these (and others)
and also searched for "safari".
that page should give you icons that are "close enough" for your needs.
P. Phillips wrote:
Not sure that is permitted as Apple Holds Copyright to all things Apple.
Technically maybe possible but . . . ?
that's a good point, but...
if you used the macOS icons in a commercial application without proper permission, i can imagine a VERY LARGE civil settlement being won by apple.
but, if you were to use apple's icons to "pretty up" your own mac without marketing it or profiting from it....?
and that also seems like a moot point as i have never run across the "official" icons anyways. :)
On the macOS Big Sur startup drive, the system icons can be found at
I believe they are in a similar location in Monterey, so if you have access to a Mac that is running that OS I think that's where you should start. Maybe you have a friend or relative running the current OS that can let you take a peek?
Yes, sorry for not clarifying myself. I need the official macOS Monterey icons because I am making my Mac that is running Catalina look more like Monterey.
Not sure that is permitted as Apple Holds Copyright to all things Apple.
Technically maybe possible but . . . ?
Yeah, that's probably what I will do since I have a brother with macOS Monterey. Thank you all for your help!
Gotcha. I would only be using them for personal use.
macOS Monterey Icons Download