How you know the numbers, expiration date and the CCV for the physical card?
iPhone 12, iOS 15
How you know the numbers, expiration date and the CCV for the physical card?
iPhone 12, iOS 15
free-connect wrote:
How you know the numbers, expiration date and the CCV for the physical card?
If you mean specifically the Apple Card open the Wallet App, tap on the card, then the icon with a card image containing “123”. That will give you the expiration date and CVV. It will also give you a card number you can use online that is not the physical card number, but there is no way (and no need) to see the card number of the physical card, unless you have a card scanner.
free-connect wrote:
How you know the numbers, expiration date and the CCV for the physical card?
If you mean specifically the Apple Card open the Wallet App, tap on the card, then the icon with a card image containing “123”. That will give you the expiration date and CVV. It will also give you a card number you can use online that is not the physical card number, but there is no way (and no need) to see the card number of the physical card, unless you have a card scanner.
The credit card verification code or CVC* is an additional code printed on your debit or credit card.
Depending on your bank, you will usually find the CVC code on the back of your credit card.
As long as your bank card is valid, the CVC is valid.
If you receive a new bank card, you will receive a new CVC.
Thank you 😊