Why won't my mac import from a Mini DV camera?
I have tried with two different cameras to import into QuickTime as well as iMovie. Specifically, I tried with a Panasonic PV–GS36 and a Canon ZR 80. The Panasonic camera is sufficiently rusted the 4-pin firewire port that the computers throw an unrecognized device error in the System Information Firewire section, while the Canon is recognized correctly. I also did the step described in this article My Mac won't recognize my old MiniDV camc… - Apple Community to put the Canon's DV port into output mode as opposed to AV input mode. The macs I have tested this on are a 2019 MacBook Pro and a 2018 Mac Mini Both with USB-C ports. I have the USB-C to thunderbolt, thunderbolt to firewire 800, firewire 800 to firewire 400 6 pin, and firewire 400 6 pin to firewire 4 pin adapters and or cables connected in series. However neither QuickTime nor iMovie are recognizing the cameras as possible input sources. Is there any driver or optional software update/install that I need to perform in order to rescue my mini DV content?
Mac mini, 12.3