When your podcast was accepted you would have been sent an email conaining the URL, which ends with the ID number. Failing that, go to https://podcastsconnect.apple.com and sign in. You will see your podcast in a list (obviously alone if you have only the one): click on the link ad you will see your podcasts page. The ID is at the top of the right-hand column: the URL is at extreme bottom right. Note that you don't actually need the title in the URL. For example, the ful URL of my podcast is
works. You can even lose the country identifier:
As to your not being able to find your podcast in the Search, if you published it only recently it's probably just a question of waiting for a few days, as it takes that for the Search to catch up. If it's been more than, say, a couple of weeks, you could try Podcasts Support: https://itunespartner.apple.com/contact/?content_type=podcasts