Moving large pictures files from Windows 7 to new iMac is it better to use WiFi or direct Ethernet connection?
Moving large pictures files from Windows 7 PC to new iMac: is it better to use WiFi or a direct Ethernet connection?
iMac Pro
Moving large pictures files from Windows 7 PC to new iMac: is it better to use WiFi or a direct Ethernet connection?
iMac Pro
An external drive ... HDD or SSD.
For 50,000 pictures, I'd NEVER attempt wi-fi, instead opting for a wired connection of some sort. But more important than the number of files is their footprint. How much disk space do they occupy?
Get a drive big enough to hold them all and probably 75-100% more for future use. In your case I'd use a high quality mechanical (spinning platter) hard drive.
An external drive ... HDD or SSD.
For 50,000 pictures, I'd NEVER attempt wi-fi, instead opting for a wired connection of some sort. But more important than the number of files is their footprint. How much disk space do they occupy?
Get a drive big enough to hold them all and probably 75-100% more for future use. In your case I'd use a high quality mechanical (spinning platter) hard drive.
Using an external drive, flash drive or SD card would be my choice for speed and reliability.
I have over 50,000 pictures on my Windows 7 PC. Would like to copy or transfer to new iMac. I guess an external drive with large capacity?
115K GB
Plus 38 old Sony HandyCam tapes. I do not know how large those files are. But I plan to download them to my new iMac.
Plus 38 old Sony HandyCam tapes. I don’t know how large those files are but I plan to load them into my new iMac.
115,000GB. That's a lot of data.
Moving large pictures files from Windows 7 to new iMac is it better to use WiFi or direct Ethernet connection?