frozen screen on MacBook Air
my MacBook Air is frozen on the start up screen after putting in my password. it will not finish restarting. how do I fix it?
MacBook Air (2020 or later)
my MacBook Air is frozen on the start up screen after putting in my password. it will not finish restarting. how do I fix it?
MacBook Air (2020 or later)
Please refer to If your Mac doesn't start up all the way - Apple Support for troubleshooting. I suspect your MBA may have a hardware issue, please pay attention to the last troubleshooting step which is to contact Apple to Get Support There is a link in the upper right of this web page that says Get Support.
Please refer to If your Mac doesn't start up all the way - Apple Support for troubleshooting. I suspect your MBA may have a hardware issue, please pay attention to the last troubleshooting step which is to contact Apple to Get Support There is a link in the upper right of this web page that says Get Support.
frozen screen on MacBook Air