How to turn off notifications when using FaceTime
My question is: how do I stop notifications while I am using FaceTime?
Description: When I am on FaceTime I get interruptions from notifications. It might be a phone call, it might be a reminder, it might be an app. I want to be able to turn these off while I am on FaceTime so that they don’t interrupt my FaceTime calls.
- I have an iPhone 13 pro with iOS 15.5
- In Settings-Focus-Do Not Disturb, in the Allowed Notifications, People box: I have just the contact that I want to allow.
In the Apps box I just
have Messenger. There
is no option for adding
Down under Turn On
Automatically, I have the
FaceTime app set to On
so that Do not Disturb
will be turned on when
using FaceTime and go
off when not on
- With these settings, I cannot receive the call from my contact. I have to turn Do Not Disturb back off, then I get all of the notifications.
Possible Fix: Take Messenger off of the allowable apps. I think that I have tried this before but I will try it again.
Any thoughts on how to block all of the notifications when on FaceTime?
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 15