my macbook shows wrong location.
When I turn on automatic time zone, I can't get it to show my current location. Not sure what to do to correct this.
Currently on macos monterey 12.4
When I turn on automatic time zone, I can't get it to show my current location. Not sure what to do to correct this.
Currently on macos monterey 12.4
That's the issue I cannot change my timezone. It just displays "Unable to determine your MacBook's location at this moment".
That's the issue I cannot change my timezone. It just displays "Unable to determine your MacBook's location at this moment".
It’s never coorect. There can easily be a difference of more then 100 miles
Are you connecting to the internet using an Ethernet cable?
Your mac tries to determine your location based on nearby wifi networks. If you have wifi turned off, it can’t do that. So if you are using Ethernet, you still need to have wifi turned on.
Choose a place within the same timezone
Only out of interest, using this GeoLocation website
Just how accurate does it show your actual physical location ?
In my case, within about 10 meters accurate
my macbook shows wrong location.