Custom voice commands
I need to be able to get to the hearing devices setting with a voice command or action on iOS. Help please. Thanks.
iPhone 12 Pro Max, 15
I need to be able to get to the hearing devices setting with a voice command or action on iOS. Help please. Thanks.
iPhone 12 Pro Max, 15
So you want to find a way to use a shortcut or a verbal command to get to that settings area? What exactly are you trying to do that you would need to access that settings area more than just once to set it up?
I'm not great with Shortcuts, however here is Apple's guide to see if that will help. Shortcuts User Guide - Apple Support
So you want to find a way to use a shortcut or a verbal command to get to that settings area? What exactly are you trying to do that you would need to access that settings area more than just once to set it up?
I'm not great with Shortcuts, however here is Apple's guide to see if that will help. Shortcuts User Guide - Apple Support
Parent using MFI compatible hearing devices that are connected via Bluetooth streaming device which is connected to TV. When I want to talk to parent (ie disable link between hearing aids and streaming box and establish link to iphone), on the iphone, I have to follow path to the hearing devices menu, then select the hearing aids, and switch the profile from tv to iphone. This is very simple once I get there... just touch once quick for each hearing aid and the iphone streams directly to hearing aids. There is a short-cut built into the right side button. Triple clicking brings up Accessibility Shortcuts, but it is a different setting screen and has less choices than the setting screen found via the long way to get to hearing devices. It is easier than it sounds but it would be nice if Apple could allow shortcuts that are like browser short-cuts for some of the crazy setting that need to be switched on and off thirty times a day.
Are you referring to getting to the hearing aid area in Accessibility? Or are you referring to an app that you have for your hearing aids? That would determine where you need to go.
Thank you for your quick response. Sorry I wasn't more specific. Yes the accessibility area/hearing devices/MFI devices.
Custom voice commands