Get rid of all anti-virus and any so-called Mac cleaning software. Simply unnecessary unless you want it to interfere with normal use of your Mac and give you false positives that scare the **** out of you.
There are no self-replicating viruses, or PC-specific viruses/trojans that can run on macOS. The operating system is shielded from malware installation as it is on a read-only partition, and there are other built-in security measures on macOS that do not exist on Windows or Linux. If you are not smart about where you download software (e.g. only from the original developer), then you have little to nothing to be concerned about unless you click the wrong link on a advertisement polluted website.
The last time I found anything serious on a Mac was back in 1994 when I was running System 7 on a PowerBook 540C, and a Windows user shared an infected Word document with me. Otherwise, nothing since except adware that Malwarebytes removed.
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