iPad air 5 volume buttons can moving. It's normal?
I think my volume buttons are moving. Is this normal for ipad air 5?
iPad Air 5 Wi-Fi
I think my volume buttons are moving. Is this normal for ipad air 5?
iPad Air 5 Wi-Fi
Physical buttons are obviously designed to move. However, if the buttons are loose or have developed a rattle - and your iPad is within its warranty period - you perhaps have a defect that would benefit from inspection by an Apple technician at at Apple Store or Apple Authorised Service Provider (AASP):
Genius Bar Reservation and Apple Support Options - Apple
If instead you have noticed that the up/down volume buttons unexpectedly appear to swap when your iPad is rotated between Portrait and Landscape orientation, you have encountered a new feature of iPadOS…
With release of iPadOS 15.4, Apple has introduced Dynamic Volume controls.
For most models of iPad, Dynamic Volume controls can be enabled or disabled via iPad settings. However, for reasons known only to Apple, this feature is enabled by default for the iPad Air5 and iPad mini6; for these models, you cannot disable this feature.
More information about Dynamic Volume controls can be found here:
Use the Home, side, and other buttons on your iPad - Apple Support
Volume buttons typically move when they are pressed.
It not like that. I mean it can move to left or right as it was not tightly assembled 🥲
iPad air 5 volume buttons can moving. It's normal?