Why did my j5create adapter stop working?
I had my macbook pro and macbook air connected to ethernet using a j5create adapter that was recommended on this forum. It worked fine for several years for my son as well with his macbook air. All of a sudden a few months ago mine stopped working. j5create replaced my adapter because it was still under warranty. The new one did not work. I tried everything I know to do to make it work both times before calling j5create. They had me go through all the same steps I had done to no avail. Now my son's adapter stopped working.
The ethernet connection appears when the cable is plugged into the adapter and the lights are on like always. Just no connection to any web site using any browser works. It always just times out.
Is there a workaround for this or did apple and/or j5create make it so they would just stop working now?
MacBook Pro 13″, OS X 10.11