Silent Ringtone
How do you assign a silent ringtone to an individual contact? I want all of that person’s calls to roll to voicemail.
How do you assign a silent ringtone to an individual contact? I want all of that person’s calls to roll to voicemail.
Blocking the caller will eliminate the ring and send the caller directly to voicemail. See: Block phone numbers, contacts, and emails on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
Blocking the caller will eliminate the ring and send the caller directly to voicemail. See: Block phone numbers, contacts, and emails on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
Thanks for the info. I thought (incorrectly) that blocking would not even allow a caller to access voicemail. I see now that they can still leave a voicemail, but you won't get a notification. Learn something new almost every day.
Silent Ringtone