Request Read Receipt with Mail on MacBook Pro High Sierra
Has any progress been made to have a feature for requesting a Read Receipt mail messages?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.13
Has any progress been made to have a feature for requesting a Read Receipt mail messages?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.13
This is a user-to-user forum. No one here knows anything about Apple's roadmap beyond what they have publicly announced. You can let them know it's a feature you'd like to see here:
I'm with Bob on this, though. Bad idea.
trudie242 wrote:
Has any progress been made to have a feature for requesting a Read Receipt mail messages?
Think how valuable a tool this would be for spammers/phishers.
Just ask your recipient to acknowledge they read your email. Don't expect too many responses.
It can be done, but is dependent on the other end to fulfill or not, as the others mention, t's highly unlikely to be of any good use...
Get Notifications When Your Messages Are Read in macOS Mail (
Not certain it still works in10.13.6 though.
Request Read Receipt with Mail on MacBook Pro High Sierra