app store cannot log in
Apple's official website can log in to Apple Id, but the app store cannot log in.
Apple's official website can log in to Apple Id, but the app store cannot log in.
See the Apple Support article(s) below.
App Store, iTunes Store, or other Apple services - If you can't connect *
Some things you can try. Do you have access to another WiFi network where you can try? That has worked for several people.
Try a restart.
Try a forced restart. See the section towards the end of the article.
Reset Device. -
If necessary
Hard reset. -
Do a backup and try a factory reset. Then restore from the backup.
Restore - If you see an error when you update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. *
Backup - Restore your device from an iCloud or iTunes backup. *
You are welcome. Glad to help.
Are you getting a message that your account is disabled in the app store and iTunes
see this
If you see a message that says "Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes," contact Apple Support for help.
Can't log in. Is this a hint? Nothing else.
I don't see the account block prompt...
What kind of error are you getting when logging in to the App Store?
I cannot read this language so I have no idea. What is the message saying?
The alert says "Unable to log in" and then there is no other instructions.
Thank you. I tried to upgrade the system, but it logged in successfully.
app store cannot log in