Print a screen shot.on my iPad
I know how to screenshot but I want to print my screenshot and I. cannot see a print in the options!
I know how to screenshot but I want to print my screenshot and I. cannot see a print in the options!
BAN66PN57 wrote:
I tried clicking that box and scrolled to the end amid clicked the dots at the end but PRINT is not one. The. Options.
What 3 dots?
The Print option is under the Share icon, the arrow coming out of the box.
BAN66PN57 wrote:
I tried clicking that box and scrolled to the end amid clicked the dots at the end but PRINT is not one. The. Options.
What 3 dots?
The Print option is under the Share icon, the arrow coming out of the box.
Save the screenshot as either a photo or PDF - then print the photo from your Photo Library, or print the PDF document from the Files App.
The Share button at top-right of the screen also provides direct access to Print.
Thank you! Sorry to be so dumb - I scrolled across. The 3 dots are at the end and gave me options like zoom, but no print. I
never realised I should have scrolled down! I have found it now thanks to your graphic.
Tap on the share icon (arrow coming out of a box), at the top right corner of the screen. Print should be one of the options there.
I tried clicking that box and scrolled to the end amid clicked the dots at the end but PRINT is not one. The. Options.
You're welcome. Glad it worked out.
Print a screen shot.on my iPad