Headphone safety: quieter options available? does this apply to Bluetooth devices?
Apple feature improvement request and community question:
I love the idea of headphone safety. However the minimum setting of 75db is too loud for me by a long shot. I sometimes wonder if it's even working.
although not identified as an accessibility feature, it really is. think about people who have PTSD.
There are situations where having a quiet listening experience without sudden loud noises is not only preferred, but absolutely required. A secondary benefit is for those who like a quiet experience.
does this work on Bluetooth headphones? non-Air pods?
I would love to see an existing feature "headphone safety" be improved to include lower sound options in addition to the 75-100db Options. and I can tell you, 60db, 65db and 70db is not enough. keep in mind the headphone is attached to your ear 0 feet, not 5 feet away like a "vacuum cleaner" As identified as the example for a 75db experience. this is why values far lower than 75 dB is needed.
thank you for your time. I would prefer this to be Apple systemwide. If anyone knows a third-party
option, I would use it until Apple has an option.