I am sorry to say that the report still indicates a heavy dose of probable malware.
For example, this:
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.2212670367886837812.95AC7F8D936F4053483E2A3DC47C1054527D2F95F8D45E05795F198C112E03D8.plist
Executable: /Library/Application Support/com.10026744331829180826/16862509899280762053 '/Library/Application Support/com.10026744331829180826/10019262877558550467' eiedlffphcpchnjcebifkghhcgkpdnod 'Profile 1,Default' '/Library/Application Support/com.10026744331829180826/13504654386487616108' 69F5E014-B14B-5C8F-B763-CD39B56AFA1C
See this huge apparently random sequence of numbers?
Compare this with something like this one:
Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.paragon-software.NTFS.fsnotifyagent.plist
Executable: /Library/PreferencePanes/NTFSforMacOSX.prefPane/Contents/Resources/fsnotifyagent.app/Contents/MacOS/fsnotifyagent
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
See the file format: this is called reverse URL format - it looks like what a URL like a web address, but in reverse order:
This clearly identifies the source of the software as being Paragon.
The first one obviously does not look anything like this.
I suggest that you remove all of these randomly numbered agents and daemons.
Here is how to do it:
1) Restart in Safe Mode - this is to ensure to none of these bad boys are running
2) In Finder, press Command-Shift-G and paste
and then drag all of these to the trash - and possibly others like those, if present. Note that they were installed TODAY!
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.2714007EE6E309AE8FD3233920E3BA0AA4E0D3B2DFD9B5D6DAD1661582E23629.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.4DEF32274A568BBD1E256E459DFD4F2392B854EA6309820F21E0A6C8412937FF.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.5C4BC45EFD91C14F1E72107F5414CA970043C598942F75D97537331C4E5DCE9D.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.5DCBD99EFB4B79B55E254EB7A228CD1EB93EAA2ED337499F1C8A289B43EBB10A.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.72C1F8ABFA155D62F3A06A325F2B64D839FC3C3D3921543992D483381B780684.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.95AC7F8D936F4053483E2A3DC47C1054527D2F95F8D45E05795F198C112E03D8.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.BBEA6310460DBC91B4CCFD3C1B98C5F08A6C6906D5A1A31435B41002B49E515B.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.CC597A7666CE68956D76CDB6E443893E5928C394AE19B75ED1C3AE2C64C7529F.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.D31E07AF85EB27096E7CB9D375CE9B768A877FDE03C2FC4A391E94E2876B7AC1.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
[Running] com.2212670367886837812.DD960C5B98E251B1539F578AB06DDC179A5C85F0232AECAA5BB5A72F1F1BE048.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-08-11)
3) Repeat step 2 with
and delete all those things that have long lists of numbers, like org.2479.... or com.123456...
4) Restart your mac normally.
5) Keep an eye on things and see if the problems went away; in a day or two, run Etrecheck again and post a new report to make sure.