Apple tv 4k second gen not hdmi 2.1
Why is apple advertising this device as hdmi 2.1 when it is not using the 2.1 protocol and stuck on 2.0 video limitations?
Apple TV 4K, tvOS 15
Why is apple advertising this device as hdmi 2.1 when it is not using the 2.1 protocol and stuck on 2.0 video limitations?
Apple TV 4K, tvOS 15
So I switched back to my Xbox and getting true rgb 10 bit with 120fps and also noticed the sound is alot better using the Xbox in my home theater setup. From what I have read it's sampling it at 16bit and 48k and is very noticeable between the Xbox that can pass the sound directly to my preamp dac etc. This is a huge let down for me because I love the apple tv interface but the picture and sound quality is alot better using the Xbox.
Here is a pic of the Xbox playing 12k video on YouTube and its night and day more popping on the Xbox.
I have placed both devices side by side going directly to the tv with same cable etc.
On the Xbox you can get rgb 10bit 120fps on YouTube 12k videos and same exact video on the Apple tv plays it at 8 bit tmds standard that is limited to 18gb/sec
That is my point this device will not go higher than the 18gb tdms standard. It definitely is not using the 48gb fps 2.1 standard.
I can get 4k sdr 4:4:4 that falls right under the 18gb bandwidth but when switching to hrd it drops to 4:2:0 etc
I found a video on YouTube explaining my issue.
Yes sorry was trying to get posted with the video settings and over looked what I posted about the audio. Apple tv 4k is limited to 48khz sample rate while the Xbox will do 96khz. I found this on apples support page saying it does not support hi res audio and will post a picture.
Verify that the LG settings on the HDMI port to which the Apple TV is connected, has “Deep Color” set to “4K”. Both are somewhat inaccurate terms, but that is how LG does it. (“Deep Color” set bandwidth limits, not color depth per se.) (“4K” is the ‘high’ setting for that, but Off also allows for 4K albeit 4K SDR@60Hz 4:2:0.) Connected (gaming) devices capable of up to 120Hz or VRR would assume high setting automatically, but Apple TV outputs a lower 60Hz at this time. On the TV, you can only change the settings of the HDMI-IN you are watching at the time. You can specify a different setting for each HDMI port.
⚙﹥(⋮)﹥General﹥Devices﹥HDMI Settings﹥HDMI Deep Color﹥
See page 104–105 of the LG User Guide.
From what I have read it's sampling it at 16bit and 48k and is very noticeable between the Xbox that can pass the sound directly to my preamp dac etc.
The audio from the streaming video is also 16 bit and 48 kHz in the source, so that is no reason for a difference per device.
On my lg g2 tv it's not giving me 4:4:4 and running 8 bit it's using the tm standard
What experience gave you that impression?
On music videos on the Xbox its playing audio at 256k and also allows you to send the sound un decoded directly to a dac and let the dac decode the sound.
“256k” sound like a streaming bitrate (kbps) for a compressed encoded format. That is unrelated to audio bit depth or sample rate.
Apple tv 4k second gen not hdmi 2.1