Apple wallet & cash
I’m having issues setting up my Apple wallet and Apple Cash
iPhone 11, iOS 15
I’m having issues setting up my Apple wallet and Apple Cash
iPhone 11, iOS 15
Unfortunately that’s a bit harder.
Obviously you could spend it … but that’s a pretty significant balance to spend.
Don’t know if you’re eligible for a refund, but this article seems to be the reference document.
Check your Apple Account balance - Apple Support
“Apple Pay” doesn’t have a balance.
Cards linked to Apple Pay - including AppleCash - do.
AppleCash can only be “filled” with a participating Debit card, or by a transfer from another AppleCash user.
How can I get my Apple Pay balance to Apple Cash?
I’ve a credit balance on my Apple Pay and having issues transferring it to Apple Cash ?
That appears to be your AppleID “account” balance.
NOT Apple Pay. (Apple’s similar-sounding names CAN be confounding)
Unfortunately an AppleID account balance can’t be transferred to Apple Cash.
What can I do with the funds in my Apple ID?
Spend it on what?
As I inferred, that balance in your screenshot isn’t chump change.
I did confirm - at least on the US’ Apple Store site - that you CAN purchase new devices using your AppleID balance.
Apple wallet & cash