Deleting notability-backup only from icloud
I have a Notability backup in my iCloud that I want to delete out of my iCloud without deleting the data from my device. How can I do that?
I have a Notability backup in my iCloud that I want to delete out of my iCloud without deleting the data from my device. How can I do that?
Hello _Tiger_,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
We want to help you get to the bottom of this so you don't have to delete the data from your device.
Since Notability is made by someone else, you might want to reach out to the developer directly for assistance with this particular question.
We found this link to help you with the question: Notability
This Apple Support page has more details if needed: How to contact an app developer - Apple Support
We hope this helps get your question answered by reaching the developer directly.
Deleting notability-backup only from icloud