How to share iBook collections with family members (no, not purchases or purchased books)
Is it possible to share a iBook collections (PDF's) or all of iBook with a family member? I have a one or more iBook collections I want to share with a member in our iCloud Family Sharing, but I don't see any option for that. I see you can share an individual PDF (or other item in iBook), but that will not suffice. I need to share either a collection or my entire iBook. I store a lot of documents, manuals, etc. as PDF's and I use iBook to organize it. We have Family Sharing setup and I want to use that to share iBooks. And NO, I do NOT mean purchased books. Non of what I want to share is a purchased item, it's data I create/save usually on my iPhone that I then access on my Mac/iPad as needed.
Mac Pro