Updated to ios16. Everything okay for one day. Woke up to SOS instead of cellular bars next to Wi-Fi symbol. Restarted, no change.
iPhone 13
Updated to ios16. Everything okay for one day. Woke up to SOS instead of cellular bars next to Wi-Fi symbol. Restarted, no change.
iPhone 13
See -> If you see No Service or Searching on your iPhone or iPad
If you see No Service, Searching, or SOS on your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support
See -> If you see No Service or Searching on your iPhone or iPad
If you see No Service, Searching, or SOS on your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support
I live in an area with poor cell reception in general. Dead zone with Verizon, switched to T-mobile. So I normally can get one bar when I am at home and have to rely on Wi-Fi. I tried restarting etc. and the SOS went away. I’m back to my one bar. Thanks.
Thank you for your extensive feedback, certainly the reason why you have minimal range of the mobile network.
You're welcome.