make phone calls from my MacBook Air
how do I make phone calls from my MacBook Air? I have an iPhone XR
iPhone XR, iOS 15
how do I make phone calls from my MacBook Air? I have an iPhone XR
iPhone XR, iOS 15
Hi FirstCorinthians13
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We have a support resource just for your question! These are the steps you need to take to get rolling with making calls on your Mac.
Make and receive calls on your Mac, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
"You can use iPhone Cellular Calls with any Mac, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that meets the Continuity system requirements. It works when your devices are near each other and set up as follows:
Make and receive phone calls
Learn how to make and receive phone calls on your Mac, iPad, and iPod touch.
Let us know if you run into any issues.
make phone calls from my MacBook Air