not open bmp
Macbook does not open bmp files after updating
what to do?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 12.6
Macbook does not open bmp files after updating
what to do?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 12.6
jajacek wrote:
It turns out that the Cupertino company is gradually limiting our freedom.
Or, it could just be a bug in 12.6.
You can file a bug report from the feedback page.
Updating from what version to what version?
Are you trying to open a bmp file by double-clicking? What exactly happens?
Did you try starting Preview and opening from within the application? What happens?
Thank you for the hint, but I am surprised that the files sent to the SE (2020) phone are displayed without any problems.
It turns out that the Cupertino company is gradually limiting our freedom.
jajacek wrote:
I reported, but they don't want to take care of it, blaming the fact that these are windows files
Well, that doesn't make much sense since they open in Monterey 12.5.1 and earlier. The 8bit .bmp files on this page also open in Firefox & Brave but not Safari in Monterey 12.6.
[Edited by Moderator]
Same problem here. I opened my keynote presentations to work on them and I was surprised that there were missing images in my presentation. It shows squares with x's through in some of them. I saw somewhere in the apple forum:
"In order to check to see if the images are still in there:
Duplicate the file
Rename the duplicate so that it ends in .zip
Doubleclick the file"
So i discovered that the files that are not showing in my keynote presentation are the ones that have the .bmp extension.
by the way, my presentations are saved in iCloud, so when I open them in my older MacBook Pro 2012, it works fine.
I wasted my entire morning trying to solve this issue and I found this forum. So I can see that this might be the problem.
Apple should solve this issue ASAP, imagine to edit many pictures in several presentation to change the bmp format.
no way!
Wasted my whole morning trying to solve this.... =/
Why did this change between 12.5.1 and 12.6? Why did it have to? The .bmp format - and support for it - goes back to the dawn of time. That it “opens in preview” doesn’t help for things like backgrounds - a pretty common use for BMPs.
Let’s all report this bug to support; clearly they don’t have our user stories represented very well.
…I might have tried Photoshop…
I was surprised SnagIt didn’t load it.
I did it the hard way, using VMware player and an eval of windows 10, saved my bmps as jpgs. :)
Now my background fades to the back once again instead of the seasick I was getting from that red/purple gradient thing that comes with 12.6.
Are you getting this error message?
Monterey 12.6 doesn't open bmp files that are less than 24bit.
FWIW, all the linked .bmp files are 8bit which as I mentioned are not supported in Monterey 12.6. They can be viewed and converted to something else with an app such as XnView MP.
Finally everything is back to normal, just install the latest macOS Ventura.
Even the smallest 69KB BMP files open as before.
I was upgrading from v12.5.1 to v12.6
the files that I am talking about were always opened by double-clicking and there were no problems with that
I can't open them after updating
Would it be possible to post one such file, so we can test? You could send it to yourself using wetransfer and post the link here.
I'm sending the first six files, I opened it before the update and now I can't, and the next six files were not able to open at all
[Link Edited by Moderator]
this is what it looks like below is a link to these few files
I reported, but they don't want to take care of it, blaming the fact that these are windows files
not open bmp