My apologies for not providing you with the relevant info to date. Please also note that I got the row numbering sequence wrong in my previous messages. The first row with data is row#3 (not #1 as previously stated). The header rows take up #1 & #2.
The three total rows are # 6, 11 and 13. The crucial formulas on these rows are:-
In Cell H6:
(H3*I3)+(H4*I4)+(H5*I5) = 9.90 years
In Cell M6:
POWER (G6/E6),(1/H6))-1 = 5.86%
In Cell H11:
(H7*I7)+(H8*I8)+(H9*I9)+(H10*I10) = 7.29 yrs
In Cell M11:
POWER (G11/E11),(1/H11))-1 = 4.91%
In Cell H13:
(H3*J3)+(H4*J4)+(H5*J5)+(H7*J7)+(H8*J8)+(H9*J9)+(H10*J10) = 8.21 yrs
In Cell M13:
POWER (G13/E13),(1/H13))-1 = 5.25%
Yes I am aware that portfolio ROI calculations are complicated. I have in the past used a custom (Filemaker) database package but it turned out to be somewhat outdated and limited, and the developer was retiring and not interested in upgrading it. Also, many off-the shelf DB packages are for USA, not Australia - and therefore unsuitable for us. I have a 'beginners' knowledge of the Filemaker/relational DB. However this DB offering, as well as most others, are priced for developers who are, or intend, on-selling their creations. I am only doing this for personal use - not for sale. Hence, most DB's are too pricey for my purposes. If I were to take time to learn a new DB language, I would then have to design and build the DB. If I overlook something in design stage, then it takes more effort to re-design/build later on. Hence, I have stuck with using Numbers/spreadsheets, which I am familiar with - but this too can get quite ungainly as the spreadsheet(s) grow in size/complexity over time.
I am also currently looking at a new hybrid DB/spreadsheet app called "RAGIC". These people have developed a new DB app that is specifically targeted at spreadsheet users who do not want to go to time/expense etc of learning/using an appropriate DB software application. This is a work-in -progress (for me).
What am I hoping to gain by using Categories in Numbers? I have duplicated my main spreadsheet and am using it as a test for the Categories feature in Numbers. I like the way it allows me to drag and drop SOLD stocks/funds from the "Currently Held" area into the "Sold" area of the portfolio, without affecting formulas on the 'total' rows. I also like the ability (in Categories) of re-sorting data, changing categories etc, all without affecting formulas in 'total' rows. Currently, when we buy/sell stocks, I have to go into spreadsheet (at year's end) and alter formulas etc. Very time consuming and error-prone.
However, as much as I like these 'category' features, not being able to use a bigger selection of formulas (as we can in 'freeform' spreadsheeting) on the 'total' rows, is a major limitation.
Any comments/suggestions you have here would be appreciated.
Thanks Gavin