Read this thoroughly...
I too had a similar issue...
What I did is given below
- Took a backup on iCloud (Which I do regularly)
- Logged out of the Apple ID
- Erase --> Erase iPhone - Apple Support (IN)
- Keep eSIM Data was the option I chose (See the pic)
- .

- Set up my iPhone and restored it from iCloud Backup

I continued to have the same issue with the heating.
I repeated the above steps but this time I did not restore from the iCloud Backup. I set it up as a new iPhone.
Waited for 3 days. There is no heating issue, now.
- There is no hardware issue!
- This is not an iOS 16.0.3 issue
- Some Apps or iPhone storage and some settings maybe heating up the device.
Action Plan:
- I will now slowly get my all data back one by one.
- Using the elimination process I will try to find out which app or settings were causing this...
I now presume the following may have caused this... Please see the pic below

I waiting and watching....