How do I access my locked notes if I forgot the password?
I've been constantly trying to open my locked note, but I can't seem to remember the password. I've tried changing the password, and still no success.
iPhone 11
I've been constantly trying to open my locked note, but I can't seem to remember the password. I've tried changing the password, and still no success.
iPhone 11
NOTE: When you change the password for your locked notes, then it only affects the future locked notes. All previously locked notes still require the original password that was used to lock them.
You will get unlimited guesses to the locked note password. Just remember to try and guess the original password and not the new.
There are some third party apps on the internet which claim to locate a locked note password with the use of a computer. You can perform a Google search for them and determine whether they are worth the time and money.
Axel F.
You need to put in the correct password. The one for existing notes can't be recovered or reset.
How do I access my locked notes if I forgot the password?