What do i need to do when my Apple Music take my payment out twice
Why does my Apple Music take the payment out twice?
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 16
Why does my Apple Music take the payment out twice?
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 16
Welcome to the Apple Community.
We are all Apple users, like yourself, in this community, so we can not access your accounts or details.
If you have just started a new subscription, could the second charge be for the month up ahead.
If your Credit Card statement shows you were billed twice, and for the same month,
You might want to reach out to the Billing Support Team (eg: online chat / phone etc.)
The Billing Support Team could likely access your account details:
To begin: there is a "Get Support" link (or an app) at the bottom of their webpage (link below)
Subscriptions and Billing - Official Apple Support
All the best :-)
Welcome to the Apple Community.
We are all Apple users, like yourself, in this community, so we can not access your accounts or details.
If you have just started a new subscription, could the second charge be for the month up ahead.
If your Credit Card statement shows you were billed twice, and for the same month,
You might want to reach out to the Billing Support Team (eg: online chat / phone etc.)
The Billing Support Team could likely access your account details:
To begin: there is a "Get Support" link (or an app) at the bottom of their webpage (link below)
Subscriptions and Billing - Official Apple Support
All the best :-)
What do i need to do when my Apple Music take my payment out twice