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M1 Max MacBook Pro 16" shows green screen and restarts when connected to external display

{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2022-11-18 04:31:55.00 -0700","os_version":"macOS 13.0.1 (22A400)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"7955EB02-F6AC-4776-AD60-BAF88515B34E"} { "build" : "macOS 13.0.1 (22A400)", "product" : "MacBookPro18,2", "socId" : "0x00006001", "kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 22.1.0: Sun Oct 9 20:15:09 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.41.9~2\/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000", "incident" : "7955EB02-F6AC-4776-AD60-BAF88515B34E", "crashReporterKey" : "5F6A39A6-7660-086B-CBCD-6AD198B13F0E", "date" : "2022-11-18 04:31:55.08 -0700", "panicString" : "panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffe001d3ace1c): DCPEXT1 PANIC - apt firmware: adisp.c:213 tsq_control() -- - iomfb_mailbox(65)\napt firmware: adisp.c:213 tsq_control() -- \nRTKit: RTKit-2062.40.13.debug - Client: local-t600xdcp.release\n!UUID: 46a95a4e-e4be-325b-9a1f-55ead8d2ea14\nTime: 0x0000002058ed3a5b\n\nFaulting task 65 Call Stack: 0x000000000001e420 0x000000000001de18 0x000000000001dc10 0x0000000000020f24 0x000000000005eaa8 0x0000000000080268 0x0000000000080098 0x000000000007dddc 0x000000000001e8b4 0x00000000000116b0 000000000000000000\nRTKit Task List:\n name | pri | stack use | status | resource | warning\n 0 rtk_background | 007 | 832\/2048 | SEMWAIT | 0x85c070 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n 1 rtk_ep_work | 057 | 976\/2048 | SEMWAIT | 0x859570 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n 2 Terminator | 015 | 592\/2048 | SEMWAIT | 0x8420b0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n 3 main | 015 | 11344\/40960 | SEMWAIT | 0x82b110 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x000000000000c348 0x000000000000d5f0\n\n 4 dcpexpert | 015 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0x83f0e0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x000000000001cf6c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n 6 rtkitpmgr | 015 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0x83a220 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n 7 iomfb_driver | 016 | 4192\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0x835b90 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n 8 iomfb_low | 009 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff410eac20 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n 9 iomfb_driver_low | 008 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff410dbb90 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n10 iomfb_cdfd | 014 | 3792\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff410bea00 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n11 iomfb_backlight | 016 | 432\/4096 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff41094220 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n12 iomfb_reg_stream | 016 | 432\/4096 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff41090ad0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n13 iomfb_video_async | 016 | 2192\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff41080af0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n14 iomfb_video_if | 016 | 432\/4096 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4107c550 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n15 iomfb_video_async | 016 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4106fda0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n16 iomfb_video_if_stub | 016 | 432\/4096 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4106b670 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n17 iomfb_dcp_disp_serv | 016 | 1040\/4096 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4105e490 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n18 iomfb_ap_link | 016 | 1264\/4096 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4105cf90 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n19 iomfb_ap_caller_0 | 016 | 432\/512 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4105bb20 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n20 iomfb_ap_caller_1 | 016 | 432\/512 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4105b4b0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n21 iomfb_ap_caller_2 | 016 | 432\/512 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4105ae40 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n22 iomfb_ap_caller_3 | 016 | 432\/512 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4105a7d0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n23 iomfb_ap_callee_0 | 016 | 6832\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4105a160 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n24 iomfb_ap_callee_1 | 016 | 3728\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff41055b60 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n25 iomfb_ap_callee_2 | 016 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff410517f0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n26 iomfb_ap_callee_3 | 016 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4104d380 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n27 iosurface_tracker_timer | 015 | 768\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff41048450 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n28 AUCWorkLoop | 015 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff41043e60 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n29 auc_dcp_queue | 015 | 2000\/16384 | WAITING | 0xffffffff4103fe80 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x00000000000112e4 0x000000000000fbf8 0x000000000001ef84 0x00000000000327e0 0x00000000000116b0\n\n30 dcpav | 015 | 704\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4103a740 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n31 cpCapsThread | 015 | 1408\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff410356c0 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n32 additionThread | 015 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff41031020 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n33 removalThread | 015 | 432\/16384 | SEMWAIT | 0xffffffff4102c770 | \n 0x0000000000010838 0x0000000000012024 0x000000000001e84c 0x00000000000116b0\n\n34 dcpdptx-hdcp-interface | 015

Hey all,

I have an M1 Max MacBook Pro 16" with 32GB of RAM, 1TB storage and 32 graphics cores which I've encountered a strange problem.

I'm running a clean install – not an upgrade from Catalina – of MacOS Ventura 13.0.1 and for some reason, I have a fatal error that I can replicate.

When I attach my MBP to my external monitor via an Anker Lightning (USB-C) to DisplayPort cable, along with my USB hub for using a mouse and keyboard, close my laptop lid with the power connected so that it does not go into sleep mode, and then attempt to use a graphics heavy app, such as a video game or video editing, at some point the image on the monitor will be replaced by a solid green screen, and the Mac will restart itself with the error "Your Mac was restarted because of an error."

It will happen every time I do this, which is why I can replicate it. I have several kernel panic logs that I can share with someone who knows how to parse them and shed some light on this mystery. I have attached the most recent one to this post as additional text. As far as I can tell trying to skim through it in Console, the error is always the same.

I should also add that I have an M1 MacBook Air that I was able to use to try and replicate the issue, and was unable to do so. When connected with the same display cable, to the same monitor, with the same USB hub also attached, and with the Mac lid closed, I was able to compute successfully for quite some time without encountering the same green screen crash and restart at all. This leads me to believe there is something wrong with the MBP, though I hope it is not on a hardware level.

For troubleshooting, I closed out any and all extra programs that I had running in the background, but no luck there. I also restarted the Mac while holding down the TouchID button to bring up the boot menu, and then held down Command + D and ran the Apple Diagnostics, but that returned no issues, even after I ran it again.

MacBook Pro 16″

Posted on Nov 18, 2022 2:01 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Nov 20, 2022 10:15 PM

– I created a fresh volume from my recovery partition when booting up, and then installed a clean copy of Ventura on that with no other third party programs, and it still happened.

– I created a fresh volume from my recovery partition when booting up, and then installed a clean copy of Monterey on that with no other third party programs, and it FIXED the issue!

This leads me to believe that, at least for the M1 Max MBP, with certain monitors, and this AW monitor specifically, Ventura is causing the issue. I am currently in the process of moving my files over from the Ventura to the Monterey volume on my internal drive, and just keeping the Ventura volume until the next system update, to see if that resolves my very specific, niche issue.

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Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Nov 20, 2022 10:15 PM in response to Diogones

– I created a fresh volume from my recovery partition when booting up, and then installed a clean copy of Ventura on that with no other third party programs, and it still happened.

– I created a fresh volume from my recovery partition when booting up, and then installed a clean copy of Monterey on that with no other third party programs, and it FIXED the issue!

This leads me to believe that, at least for the M1 Max MBP, with certain monitors, and this AW monitor specifically, Ventura is causing the issue. I am currently in the process of moving my files over from the Ventura to the Monterey volume on my internal drive, and just keeping the Ventura volume until the next system update, to see if that resolves my very specific, niche issue.


M1 Max MacBook Pro 16" shows green screen and restarts when connected to external display

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