what is error 4010
what is error 4010
iPad (6th gen) WiFi
what is error 4010
iPad (6th gen) WiFi
Error #4010 is not explicitly listed by Apple. When your iPad is connected to a computer, these errors are often attributed to a faulty cable - or interference from Anti Virus software.
Try using a different cable, a different USB port - or, at your own risk, temporarily disabling your AV software.
iOS update and restore errors – Apple Support
Error #4010 is not explicitly listed by Apple. When your iPad is connected to a computer, these errors are often attributed to a faulty cable - or interference from Anti Virus software.
Try using a different cable, a different USB port - or, at your own risk, temporarily disabling your AV software.
iOS update and restore errors – Apple Support
I got that code while in DFU mode and trying to restore an iPad. Now all I get is a black screen.
what is error 4010