significant location summary
How do I get the specific location records?
iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 16
How do I get the specific location records?
iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 16
At one time you could see the locations. But there were several cases of police using the list to determine if a suspect was near the scene of a crime, and several of those cases the user being in that location was coincidence, and they arrested the wrong person.
At one time you could see the locations. But there were several cases of police using the list to determine if a suspect was near the scene of a crime, and several of those cases the user being in that location was coincidence, and they arrested the wrong person.
The n you for your reply! Why does it say 120 records?
Yeah, been a couple of threads full of people very unhappy that Apple had made the change. I was unaware of the exact reason, however. You’re on a roll today!
Because the phone has 120 records. They are used by various apps on your phone (see the explanation that is right on your screenshot above). They are not intended to be accessed directly by the end user. Only Apple would know why they’ve set it up that way.
You can see them on the map or clear them all. You cannot access the list in order to see where and when you have been.
significant location summary