My iPhone will NOT suggest passwords when required. Anywhere.
yes. All the required keychain stuff is turned on and supposedly active. Saved passwords will show up for auto fill but no new passwords suggested/generated.
My iPhone will NOT suggest passwords when required. Anywhere.
yes. All the required keychain stuff is turned on and supposedly active. Saved passwords will show up for auto fill but no new passwords suggested/generated.
yes, I believe it should work as well.
everything I’m signing into us related to switching phones. My android made password suggestions for most of these but iPhone does not.
I suppose I could just use chrome but may as well stay with android if iOS can’t keep up.
yes, I believe it should work as well.
everything I’m signing into us related to switching phones. My android made password suggestions for most of these but iPhone does not.
I suppose I could just use chrome but may as well stay with android if iOS can’t keep up.
Yes. I know. I read every word already.
The only conclusion I can draw from all of that is that I have NEVER come across “supported websites and apps” where this feature works.
I find this highly unlikely.
what else you got?
Noonewhomatters Said:
"Passwords: [...]yes. All the required keychain stuff is turned on and supposedly active.[...]".
Troubleshooting Keychain and Autofill:
Being these are new items giving you the issue, renew a few things...
1. Disable, then enable Keychain.
2. Restart your device
3. Sign out, sign log in to iCloud.
As this phone is new to me and I’ve spent the last three evenings trying to make sense of it I have reset the device three or four times and started over. There is nothing on this device downloaded before yesterday. I have signed in/out of all things iOS dozens of times as well as delete/reinstall everything over and over again.
As an Android only user I had hoped to sidestep some of the Google bullshit on this platform. Sadly I see iOS is just as randomly non functional and unfixable as any android.
Thanks for trying y’all. I didn’t actually expect to find a resolution here anyway.
Here’s Apple’s writeup on this subject.
Automatically fill in strong passwords on iPhone - Apple Support
As I stated very clearly above…..
Noonewhomatters wrote:
what else you got?
Nothing … except it works just fine for me.
Good luck.
Check Settings > Passwords > Password Options > AutoFill Passwords.
Do you have 2 factor authentication enabled on your Apple ID, and have Keychain enabled in Settings/[your name]/iCloud?
Yes and yes.
OK, then it should work, as long as the site or app has tagged the password field as such. Keychain has to know which field is for passwords. Some sites and apps don’t tag password fields.
This feature has just started working on it’s own.
no cause whatsoever.