Apple Watch error
I use Solar Dial watch face. After the recent update, the solar clock feature is incorrect. What can I do?
I use Solar Dial watch face. After the recent update, the solar clock feature is incorrect. What can I do?
Update: Checked the Location services on my phone and found that I can change the setting on the watch...and we're back! Thank you! Great help. Issue resolved.
Update: Checked the Location services on my phone and found that I can change the setting on the watch...and we're back! Thank you! Great help. Issue resolved.
How is it incorrect?
The times indicated for sunrise, etc., are way off. It indicates sunrise at 10am on the "sun dial" aspect, when in fact, sunrise where I live is currently around 8am.
Check Settings > Privacy > Location Services and see if Allow Location Access is enabled for Apple Watch faces.
Good news: I found that it's set to never.
Bad news: greyed out and can't reset it....
Also, don't know how that change occurred. I don't ever remember setting it, much less changing it.
And I meant to tag your response as "Best Answer," not my own. Thank you, again!
Apple Watch error