group text with iPhone, android
How to I set up a text group that will include Android phones and iPhones?
iPhone 8
How to I set up a text group that will include Android phones and iPhones?
iPhone 8
Group text is only possible between iMessage users. Android phones can only receive normal SMS messages. If you include an Android user in the group, the recipient will still receive the message, but the person cannot join the group or see what others are writing.
The best solution if everyone doesn't have iPhones is to use a 3rd party app, for example Facebook Messenger.
You can read more facts about group messages here:
Send a group text message on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
You create a group that includes both iMessage and Android users, using the phone number of the ‘droid users. Some things to know:
So take JStoltnberg’s advice, and don’t use iMessage/MMS for groups. There are many other options, such as Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Google Meet, Skype… none of these have any of the above limitations.
group text with iPhone, android