screen time not working between phones with ios 12.5.1 ios 15.7.1
screen time not working between phones with ios 12.5.1 ios15.7.1
i am using iPhone 6s on iOS 15.7.1 and my son is iPhone6 on iOS 12.5.1.
we have used screen time for several years without much problem.
recently it has stopped working properly.
as above the screen time does not update and the message “As this device is used…..” remains on screen. So I have no visibility of the usage on my sons iPhone 6.
this happened a month or two ago.
With my daughter who uses IPhone 6s and same ios as me, I have no problems and her screen time is updated quickly and I can see what she has been doing on her phone.
anyone know why this should suddenly break?
iPhone 6