What is my current region?
I want to know What is my current region?
iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 16
I want to know What is my current region?
iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 16
If you click on the related article above, to which ghr165 is referring to, you can find the information for your currently registered region for your Apple ID, using your iPhone or the Music/iTunes app on your computer.
copied from: Change your Apple ID country or region - Apple Support
If you click on the related article above, to which ghr165 is referring to, you can find the information for your currently registered region for your Apple ID, using your iPhone or the Music/iTunes app on your computer.
copied from: Change your Apple ID country or region - Apple Support
Is there something in the article that you don’t understand?
Tapping in step 4 should show you one country with a tick. You do not have to change the country or region.
What is my current region?