"You won't be using the Wi-Fi on the Time Capsule. You can even turn it off if you want."
Oops, I miss read that, Bob said 'can' I read 'can't'. In Airport utility, edit the time capsule, go to wireless, then under Network Mode choose 'none'
"Connect the Time Capsule to your router using an Ethernet cable. Then, you can use your normal Wi-Fi network to connect to the Time Capsule when you want to access the hard drive."
Not quite that simple. With an earlier Gen Time Capsule, sometimes you have to connect directly with the time capsule, either ethernet or WiFi to use Time Machine with it. Connecting to it via another LAN point sometimes doesn't work. I have discussed just this point with an Apple employee of the AirPort Express/Time Capsule division. That working, using another LAN access point, has flip-flopped several times over the history of the Time Capsule. I think you can always access the hard drive within, but sometimes can't use Time Machine with it.
Note, Apple is stopping all support for Time Capsule soon, like in the next 6 months.