Send Later mail delivery time issue
my Send Later mails are being delivered three hours later than programmed. I presume it is a time zone issue.
So, How can I correct the Send Later delivery time?
iMac (24-inch, M1, 2021, 2 ports)
my Send Later mails are being delivered three hours later than programmed. I presume it is a time zone issue.
So, How can I correct the Send Later delivery time?
iMac (24-inch, M1, 2021, 2 ports)
Roberth Jordan wrote:
my Send Later mails are being delivered three hours later than programmed. I presume it is a time zone issue.
So, How can I correct the Send Later delivery time?
Judging from the User Profile iMac (24-inch, M1, 2021, 2 ports) this machine would have had to transported from through 3 Time Zones from when the Send Later e-mail was originally set to send
But in theory, if this occurred and Time on the computer would have been auto changed too ( new Location, New Time Zone )
This in not necessarily a fair comparison ?
Just Tested sending myself an E-mail at 10:37 EST and set to send later for 10:41 EST
It when off at scheduled time and received as expected.
The Only " Bug Bear " I find, is the Send Later Folder still is showing a 1 Count the already Send Message and the message itself is Not in the Send Later folder
Image below
Revision to previous posting related to Send Later folder showing an already sent message.
The count of 1 has disappeared after, maybe a few more e-mails were received in the inbox.
I do know with great certainty, the Send Later Folder in Mail seems to work a On My Mac type of folder.
Have verified >> Mail and that folder does not appear there the last time I checked.
Also, a new Folder is created in User account Library >> Mail >> V10 >>
Refer to first image
Then inside that folders in second image
Roberth Jordan wrote:
my Send Later mails are being delivered three hours later than programmed. I presume it is a time zone issue.
So, How can I correct the Send Later delivery time?
Judging from the User Profile iMac (24-inch, M1, 2021, 2 ports) this machine would have had to transported from through 3 Time Zones from when the Send Later e-mail was originally set to send
But in theory, if this occurred and Time on the computer would have been auto changed too ( new Location, New Time Zone )
This in not necessarily a fair comparison ?
Just Tested sending myself an E-mail at 10:37 EST and set to send later for 10:41 EST
It when off at scheduled time and received as expected.
Hello! This should not be bothered by time zone. It might be a bug or problem with the connection. To customize settings open Mail. Click on the "Mail" right to the Apple logo, go to Settings, then Composing. Look for Sending and there it is.
Have a great day!
Send Later mail delivery time issue