How do I remove a review from the iTunes App Store?
How can I do this?
MacBook Pro 13", Mac OS X (10.6.4)
MacBook Pro 13", Mac OS X (10.6.4)
The pages have changed somewhat. Updated info as of July 2011.
As I see it the original post (nearly a year old) was about an end user's review that they wished to remove from the iTunes Store. iTunes Connect isn't anything I have as a consumer so I assume it is a developer tool. Probably just confusing to even mention it here, and certainly not relevant.
Yep, you are right. I wanted to remove an app being reviewed (by Apple) from the app store review process. Not a customer app review. Sorry, I misread the post.
No worries, & good luck with the final product.
How do I remove a review from the iTunes App Store?