IOS 16.3 Problems
Since upgrading to iOS 16.3 I can no longer access my iCloud Back Up on my iPhone XR. Nor can I manually back up my iPhone to my iCloud Account. My contacts are no longer syncing, and my Messages App no longer displays names, only phone numbers when receiving text messages from my contacts.
When I attempt to manually back up to my iCloud Account from my iPhone I receive message "An Unknow Error Occurred. Please try again later."
Since the update to iOS 16.3, when accessing the Settings App, the phone has automatically turned off Apps Using ICLOUD Photos, iCloud Drive and iCloud Backup.
Additionally, a couple of my apps that used to send Push Notifications are no longer doing so, despite having Push Notifications enabled for the apps and despite removing and
re-installing the affected apps.
To date, I have received two calls from Apple Support and have submitted log files as requested by Apple Support with NO solution. I am supposed to receive a third call on Wednesday, February 8, 2023.
While the phone calls are nice, Apple is NOT fixing the problem. So far, I have wasted at least 5 hours over the course of two days with NO Solution. Too bad I cannot bill for my time.
A Google search about the problem states that the problem is due to the recent iOS 16.3 Encryption.
Lately it seems like every time an iOS update is released it tends to create more "bugs" and tends to "break" something that did work prior to the iOS update.
Just about ready to get rid of my iPhone and go with an Android phone.
NO solutions from Apple Customer Support, and NO Help, just wasted phone calls with no solutions.