iPad keeps asking to confirm passcode?
It is now February 18, 2023. After IOS 16, I think, my iPad's keep asking to confirm my passcode? Why????? Is there a spyware in IOS that tries to copy my passcode?
It is now February 18, 2023. After IOS 16, I think, my iPad's keep asking to confirm my passcode? Why????? Is there a spyware in IOS that tries to copy my passcode?
Well, I just updated to 16.3.1 and STILL asking to confirm my passcode, even though when the update asked me to enter my passcode, it took it! ANNOYING, Apple. Is that passcode then given to the NSA?
What I'm worried about is that my other iPad and my iPhone are NOT asking to confirm my passcode! ANNOYING.
My iPhone does the same thing at version 16.3 and says I need to enter passcode in order to keep using iCloud.
I have confirmed this 2 times already! Now, it is asking me to confirm again! Annoying.
My other iPad is NOT doing it! Is it possible that this iPad is hacked with a spyware in my Settings app?
Is IOS hacked? I have already confirmed twice on my iPad Pro! I am afraid to do it again because there may be a keylogger on my iPad and my passcode will be captured by that keylogger!
I'm afraid my iPad has been compromised. Read this article:
Now, my iPhone is asking to confirm the freaking passcode!
iPad keeps asking to confirm passcode?