continuity camera - heads up that you can't use a VPN and continuity camera at the same time
continuity camera - heads up that you can't use a VPN and continuity camera at the same time
iPhone 14
continuity camera - heads up that you can't use a VPN and continuity camera at the same time
iPhone 14
Confirmed as well! Big disappointment because this is the first I've heard about this limitation - Apple should include this info in their documentation.
I spent hours trying to connect my iPhone and MacBookPro with the camera continuing to time-out. Every app I tried (Facetime, Finder, Zoom, PhotoBooth, WebEx, etc) had the same issue, with no additional explanation.
I had to turn off the VPN for both my laptop and my phone in order for Continuity Camera to work.
Thank you @marin_mac for adding this bit of info.
Confirmed as well! Big disappointment because this is the first I've heard about this limitation - Apple should include this info in their documentation.
I spent hours trying to connect my iPhone and MacBookPro with the camera continuing to time-out. Every app I tried (Facetime, Finder, Zoom, PhotoBooth, WebEx, etc) had the same issue, with no additional explanation.
I had to turn off the VPN for both my laptop and my phone in order for Continuity Camera to work.
Thank you @marin_mac for adding this bit of info.
I can confirm - at least Cisco AnyConnect conflicts, video hangs if trying to use continuity camera. Disabling all the filters in network settings solves issue immediately, no restart is needed
continuity camera - heads up that you can't use a VPN and continuity camera at the same time